

Accountability and Responsibility.

The Diyar Education Advisory Board includes stakeholders as follows:

Higher Management


Education Specialists

Military Representatives

Industry Leaders

Business People


Our Advisory Board aims to:

  1. Involve parents and other stakeholders in specific decision-making;
  2. Ensure accountability for the school’s actions and student outcomes;
  3. Influence and be ultimately responsible for the school’s performance.

The Advisory Board membership includes:

  1. Chairperson – elected
  2. The Principals
  3. Parents
  4. Local community or businessmen or women – invited or nominated
  5. Chief Education Officer
  6. FNG appointed officers for Finance.

Quality Standards

the Board will self-evaluate following UAE Inspection Framework criteria for good governance using the following criteria:

  • The Advisory Board acts as a critical friend to the school leadership and includes representation from the school community, including parents.
  • The Board, includes the principal meets termly and seeks the views of most stakeholder groups including students, staff and parents.
  • They use information to discuss the schools’ performance with senior leaders.
  • There are consistent arrangements in place for the governing board or their chosen representatives to share information with parents eg surveys, coffee mornings, parents’ evenings, newsletters etc.
  • The Board uses a range of communication methods and, consequently, most parents feel well informed.
  • The Board responds constructively to stakeholders’ concerns and suggestions.
  • The Board regularly monitors the work of the school through Principal reports and holds senior leaders to account for both performance and quality, including the achievements and personal development of all students.
  • Members of the Board bring a range of expertise and knowledge to the group and this helps the Principal review all aspects of the school’s performance.
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Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Principal is responsible for the day-to-day management and leadership of the school ensuring all agreed policies are adhered to.
  • The Principal provides monthly snapshot reports to the Board to keep members informed and to raise any urgent issues. The Board respond with questions and address the key risks in the next meeting
  • The snapshot reports should guide agenda for governor discussion and support accountability.
  • The Principal provides termly reports to the Board along similar lines to the monthly snapshot reports – brief but impacting.
  • The Board supports the appointed Principal in developing the school and carrying out the school strategic and improvement plans.
  • A nominated advisory board member will create and maintain a conflict of interest register.
  • The Board should delegate responsibility for the performance management of the Principal to an appropriate person.
  • The Advisory Board should monitor its own performance and ensure the governors Code of Conduct is followed.
  • The Board holds the Principal to account through monthly snapshots reports and via the termly reports in relation to the strategic plan and the school improvement plan.

Terms of Membership

  • The Board is created based on the office of the members within the parent company. Local Community or Business governors will be elected.
  • Apart from the CEO, Principal and the Owner, members serve fixed terms of office of one year duration – this can continue if the Board agrees.
  • The Board will have a minimum of six and a maximum of twelve members at any one time.
  • Business or local Community members will be invited based their experience, reputation, integrity and interest in education and school welfare.
  • Members, who do not attend three consecutive regular Board meetings, will be considered as having resigned, unless the majority determines that absences occurred for justifiable reasons.
  • It is the responsibility of each member to declare to the Board any circumstances that could involve a conflict of interest.
  • No single governor can make a decision, this is a collective entity and must function democratically as a team.
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